Patient Transport

Patients needing to travel to and from medical appointments typically make their own travel arrangements by using public transport or privately through taxis, relatives, friends or neighbours.  However, for patients without access to transportation or who cannot drive through illness or injury, may we suggest several options:

Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTs)

Patients needing to travel to and from the hospital or GP practice appointments are expected to make their own travel arrangements by using public transport or privately through taxis, relatives, friends or neighbours. However, if you cannot use these travel options because of medical or physical frailty, you may be eligible for free NHS Non-Emergency Patient Transport (hospital appointments only). This transport is provided in line with Department of Health guidelines for medical reasons only.

If you think you could be eligible for free patient travel or need advice on getting to your hospital appointment, please contact the Patient Transport Advice Centre on 01278 727457.

TRIP Community Transport

Based in Honiton, TRIP Community Transport These services offer transport services to people in the Lyme Bay area who are unable to access public transport due to where they live or physical difficulties. Schemes often use volunteer drivers, provide cars or wheelchair-accessible transportation and may be able to give some assistance to passengers from their house to the car and back.

For more information, call TRIP CTA on 01404 46529 or visit the TRIP Community Transport website.